Relocation Plans
Relocation Details by Unit/Department
Personnel in the following units will be relocated:
Unit/Department Name | Tentative Move Dates | Anticipated Location |
I-RAFT | April 1-5 | Blazer Dining (3rd Floor) |
Marketing and Agricultural Communications | April 1-5 | Blazer Dining (3rd Floor) |
Extension Administration (Central) | April 8-10 | Moloney Building |
Agriculture & Natural Resources (ANR) | April 8-10 | Moloney Building |
School of Human Environmental Sciences (HES) | April 8-10 | Moloney Building |
4-H Central Operations | April 22-24 |
Moloney Building |
Landscape Architecture | TBA | Gray Design Building |
For specific personnel impacted and their anticipated locations, please review the spreadsheet of new offices by individual.
Please direct relocation questions to your unit or departmental leadership. If they are unable to answer specific questions, please contact either Andrea Hidgon or Orlando Chambers via the contact information below:
Andrea Higdon
Emergency Management Systems Director
Orlando Chambers
Associate Dean for Administration